Friday, September 6, 2013

Bang Bang Bang...Face 6 of 29

29 faces

Face #6 and day 6 of the 30 posts in 30 days do-over....Hooray for keeping it up so far!  

Here's today's face:

"You don't take aim, you just BANG! BANG! BANG!" - Eilen Jewell

I picked the quote on the page from this song ("Bang Bang Bang" by Eilen Jewell) :


I thought this was a funny song, and as I was listening to it, a cupid with coke-bottle glasses popped into my head...and then I thought it would be more funny if he didn't even wear his thick glasses as he was popping off arrows.

Poor-sighted Cupid is in my darling Gregg journal.  And of course, since it is Cupid after all, I had to use the arrow washi tape!  Then I saw the measuring tape washi and thought about how Cupid was just shooting off arrows all willy-nilly, whether people measured up as couples or was kismet.

In spite of the silliness of today's painting and the song it was inspired by, I've had some deeper thoughts about the idea of how random love can be (as I was humming along and slinging my paint).

Not that legally blind cupid has anything to do with it, but I think a lot of times, we love people we shouldn't and we don't love people we should.  I wonder what it really is that makes us care excessively for people who might not be the best choice...or conversely, to completely overlook those who would compliment us perfectly?  And I don't mean passing infatuations based solely on looks...I mean deeply caring for someone.

I've always held to the fact that life would be much easier if people were completely asexual until they met the exact right person for them...and then BINGBANGBOOM!!!  You get the fireworks and the stars in your eyes and the little birds with hearts in their beaks flying around your head...and the other person feels the same way...because you're perfect for each other.  No more having to feel the sting of one-sided love ever again.  No more of one person in a relationship loving more than the other.  How nice would that be???

And no, you don't get to say "but what if we never met that perfect person"...we wouldn't be sad about it... We wouldn't CARE!  We wouldn't even think about it!  We'd have so much free time!  Would that I could get back all the wasted years of my youth thinking about stupid dudes that would never love me back...despite my general awesomeness...

I know it's an unrealistic takes work to maintain.  Anyone who says otherwise has never fallen into toilet water in the middle of the night because their significant other left the seat up and they didn't look before sitting...(contrary to what ANYONE likes to joke, that's no way to "make a splash" ).

Oh well, now that I've got mine relatively trained, he's ok to live with...he can lift heavy things and do yard work and he vacuums...(haha...but seriously, I will NEVER vacuum).  My real pity is for those who are still on the lookout for love...sometimes the chase is so much more interesting than the catch...what seems like a nice juicy fish in the sea of life can end up being a jellyfish that just stings you repeatedly and has no real value at all.  I really think that whole asexuality thing would help those folks out a lot... :)

Ok, ok...enough of my random blabbing for now...don't forget to follow me (my minions...bwa-ha-ha!) and come back on September 29th for the mystery giveaway!  Shooting arrows of good things straight at you like a Cupid with 20/20 vision! <3


  1. Sweets I sooooo love this little cupid in his undies. As I am always short on time, I just flew over the text and my eyes were glued to the mystery give away. Yes please, although I never win anything :-(
    Big hugs ASIL

    1. Thanks Gabriele! I like his undies too...they are silly, and silly is good! The giveaway is on September 29th, so don't forget to come back and leave a comment on the 29th!

      I'm going to work on making my posts short and least for the rest of the month. It's too hard to keep up with making a face a day and writing the long posts and answering back all the comments, seeing what other people are short and sweet from here on out! <3 Love you my sweet ASIL! <3

  2. Sweet, you are so full of wisdom. I wish it was that way too.. and that we didn't carry so much baggage into our relationships. As my mom use to say... if wishes were horses beggars would ride...

    You cupid with glasses is cute!!

    1. Thanks Boo! It would be nice, wouldn't it?!? And I agree about the baggage too...sometimes it is very hard work to not hold against everyone what one person did to us...I know that is the case for me anyway. I like your mom's's a good one! <3 <3 <3

  3. Oh My Freaking Goodness he is sooo cute! I love his personality! He just so comes alive on the page Bang love him and you! I love your wisdom so much and I definitely want to follow you along will definitely check in on the 29th and every day until then!
    Hugs, Cheryl <3

    1. Thanks my Cheryl! He was a fun one to make! I think he's different from my normal's those underpants, I think, that makes him endearing despite his inability to aim well! I am so excited for the giveaway! Thanks for keeping up with me and for always being so sweet and kind! <3 <3 <3

  4. This is so fun! I love the glasses and the undies! Great blog post as well! Looking forward to checking out all of your faces!

    1. Thanks Kristen! Those underpants make me giggle a little every time I look at them! I am so happy to be a part of this neat challenge and see everybody's hard work! I wish I had more time to keep up with everyone daily! (Darn full time job!) At the end of the month, I'm going to have to take a couple of days just to go back through all the things I know I'm missing out on! <3

  5. so adorable!!!!
    Hugs Pamikins

  6. OMG!!! I know someone who just looks like this guy. He he.
    Lovin' it.

    1. That's too funny!!! I hope the guy you know looks a little better in tighty whities than cupid does! :D


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